Valuation is a matter of quantifying risk and return
- We assess your business plan and financial model
- We develop a comprehensive economic model to evaluate alternatives and scenarios for expected future development
- We collect data and valuation multiples from comparable transactions and listed companies
- We analyse key value drivers and, where assumptions regarding the underlying risks and opportunities of expected development are concerned, we act as the devil’s advocate.
- We prepare a written report accompanied by sensitivity analyses and present these to you in draft form before issuing the final report
- We help you present the report in accordance with the desired purpose of the valuation.
- We manage the process from start to finish.
When is valuation relevant?
- You are considering divestment and wish to clarify how much to expect as proceeds of the sale
- You are considering an acquisition or merger and therefore wish to have an assessment of the target and your own company
- You are planning an internal transaction and wish to have an independent assessment of the value of the shares that will be transferred
- You wish to raise capital and need a valuation for this purpose
- You are compiling a management incentive programme and need a valuation to make sure you create the right incentives
- You seek to resolve a dispute in connection with a shareholder agreement and need an independent expert assessment of the value of ownership shares
- You have received an offer for your business and need a valuation to prepare for negotiations with the potential buyer