
Nordic M&A’s healthcare enhed er ledet af Fie Astrup, Dr. Med, MBA. Hun bliver supporteret af senior advisor Jan Leschly og vores scientific board, der består af internationalt ledende eksperter indenfor fem store medicinske områder.

Kombinationen af vores medicinske baggrund og vores M&A kompetencer betyder, at vi hurtigt forstår værdien og forretningsmodellerne bag healthcare/life science virksomheder. Dette giver os unikke og sjældne kompetencer i samarbejdet med investorer og partnere i en transaktionsproces.

Vores dedikerede fokus er velrenommeret og vi har løst store og komplekse M&A processer indenfor mange medicinske områder:


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Financial advisor to the owners of Fischer Medical on the sale to AddLife

The Deal

Fischer Medical is a Danish company specialized in advanced surgery representing well – recognized suppliers from all over the world. The company has a leading market position in Denmark regarding medical instruments and implants for elective orthopedic surgery and non – invasive gynecology with long – lasting customer relationships to all leading hospitals and clinics.


AddLife is an independent and public listed European player in Life Science that offers high – quality products, services and consulting to both the private and public sectors. AddLife has about 1,800 employees in around 70 operating subsidiaries, which operate under their own brands with approximately SEK 7 billion in annual sales . With the acquisition of Fischer Medical , Addlife strengthens their presence within advanced surgery in the Nordics and opens up opportunities for co – operation with our other companies in Europe active in the same market segment. Since the beginning of the Covid – 19 pandemic, elective surgeries hav e been postponed which has created large backlogs in many countries. The refocusing within the Health care sector from covid – related treatments to elective surgery is indicating an increased demand for the offering from Fischer Medical in the years to come .
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Financial advisor to Nordic Bioscience on the minority investment from KKR

The Deal

Nordic Bioscience has established a position as the world’s most experienced company within the extracellular matrix (ECM) through more than 25 years of dedicated research and development. The ECM is the non – cellular component of all tissues and organs and can be analyzed to identify new drug candidates in more than 50 disease areas, diagnose patients and evaluate the effect of existing drugs and drug candidates. Nordic Bioscience owns more than 150 patents and has published over 500 scientific papers in le ading scientific journals. The company has entered into partnerships with the world’s largest pharma companies to develop new drugs in four major disease areas (fibrosis, oncology, diabetes and cardiovascular) and has collaborations with leading diagnostic companies for the use of Nordic Bioscience’s biomarkers for diagnostic purposes. In addition, Nordic Bioscience services a growing international customer base of pharma, biotech and CROs with preclinical and clinical data analysis from its certified labor atory.


KKR is a leading global investment firm deeply committed to responsible investment, with a dedicated focus on health care growth and on partnering with leading companies and management teams to build and grow great businesses.
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Financial advisor to the owners of Nordic Bioscience on the sale of Sanos Group to Investcorp

The Deal

Sanos is a global Contract Research Organization (“CRO”) specialized in osteoarthritis. Sanos is full – service CRO providing value – added services to pharma, biotech and research organizations to help plan and conduct clinical trials, a critical part in the development of new drugs and treatments. Sanos Group consists of a CRO specialized in osteoar thritis (“OA”) and a Site Management Organization (“SMO”) with a broader indication range focusing on lifestyle and age – related diseases. Sanos has built a worldwide reputation for its scientific expertise in osteoarthritis, its ability to recruit patients efficiently and a track record of executing safe and efficient clinical trials. The Sanos Group management will remain shareholders by investing alongside Investcorp.


In addition to the world – leading CRO business, Sanos Group consists of four sta te – of – the – art clinical research sites, including a brand – new phase I unit opened in Q4 2020. The Group is headquartered in Herlev (Copenhagen) with additional clinics located in Gandrup and Vejle, Denmark. In 2020 the company had a net turnover of DKK 149 m with an EBITDA of DKK 61 m. Investcorp has an established history of investing in the healthcare sector globally. The acquisition of Sanos is Investcorp’s 11th investment in the healthcare sector and its third in Europe.
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Financial advisor to Daintel in the sale to Cambio Healthcare Systems
Financial advisor to Daintel in the sale to Cambio Healthcare Systems
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Financial advisor to DMDD on the sale to Synlab backed by Novo Holdings
Financial advisor to DMDD on the sale to Synlab backed by Novo Holdings

Head of Healthcare, Fie Astrup

Dr. Med, MBA
Fie er uddannet læge og har en doktorgrad i medicin baseret på klinisk forskning indenfor diabetes og kardiovaskulære komplikationer. Hun har arbejdet som karkirurg på Rigshospitalet og har en MBA fra Copenhagen Business School.

Jan Leschly

Jan Leschly

Senior Advisor Jan Leschly er kendt for sin karriere indenfor pharma industrien. Jan var Chief Executive for SmithKline Beecham PLC (”SB”) fra 1994 til 2000. Inden hans tid i SB var Jan President og COO i Squibb Corporation og før dette var han President for Novo Nordisks farmaceutiske enhed. I 2000 grundlagde Jan Care Capital og har siden da været Managing Partner. Jan sidder i bestyrelsen i APM Holding. Før hans prominente karriere, var Jan professionel tennisspiller og i 1967 var han verdens tiende bedste tennisspiller.